What? That takes the fun out of it? Where is the surprise element?
Ladies, don’t kid yourself. Have you ever truly liked the gift he picked out for you? Or better yet, the one his personal assistant picked up? (After he told her what to buy, of course). Has he ever been able to actually remember any of the little hints you gave him from Thanksgiving Day all the way up to Christmas Eve?
After fourteen Christmas’ with my husband, I finally decided the best way to get what I really want, really like, with the price tag being just right, I decided to buy it myself. My husband’s response:
“You are the woman! You are the most amazing wife in the entire world! You don’t even understand how great this is!”
So ladies. Release him from the burden. Make your Christmas merry. GO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT!
Oh, and if you happen to ask him afterwards if he’d like you to wrap it as well . . . it's probably safe to assume his response will be similar to the one I got from mine, “That would be awesome!”