Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Gift

Well I suppose gifts are always nice . . . like the one my father-in-law is hopefully enjoying right now. For his 70th birthday this year David and his brothers gave him what is called a “fly in” fishing trip way up in northern Canada. “Fly in” simply means it is too remote to get there any other way. Though personally I would consider it worse than prison for ten days, I’m sure my father-in-law, husband, and brother-in-laws are having the time of their lives.

I went on one of these little trips to Canada once . . . I was new to the fam, and simply didn’t know any better. (The picture is eleven years old).

I kid you not, their only sustenance for ten days will be twinkies and the fish they catch. Their living quarters will be worse than squalor and their only form of entertainment will be fishing and cards. (If you can call fishing entertainment).

I wouldn’t mention this small fact except that we are missing both Father’s Day and David’s birthday (fell on the same day this year). So what do you write when your husband is in the middle of nowhere and he leaves you at home alone for ten days with your four kids?

Though David tends to travel far more than I am able to fully appreciate, there are more ways than I can count as to why I’m so glad he’s the one I’m married to. And since it’s such a special day, I’ll try to list a few:

• David can make me laugh even when I’m so mad I could scream. (I usually laugh after I scream)

 • David is a very devoted father and his kids know they are the center of his world. Everytime he comes home all three kids (Nicholas isn’t big enough yet) jump on him and smother him in kisses. He makes everything in their world happy.

• David takes time to help others along the way. He holds an open door to everyone that needs an ear. I have found over the years many of the young people he ministers to think of him as a father. Now that this number is well into the thousands, one might think he wouldn’t have time for every single person who calls with marriage problems, ministry troubles, life decisions and the like . . . but David makes the time. He returns EVERY call. I love that about him.

• David works really hard to be a better person each day than he was the day before. He is slow to anger (in fact he is rarely angry), quick to say I’m sorry (and truly mean it), an eternal optimist and sees the good in everyone. He is not afraid to speak the truth, but has a way of doing it with just the right amount of empathy that takes away the sting.

• He is lifelong learner. He makes lists of books recommended by those he hopes his life will emulate (both from the past and present) and reads with an undying thirst to learn and understand. It is quite commonplace at our house to see books lying around that are rare and hard to come by. To find and read such books are simply part of who David is. He is incredibly bright but refuses to be satisfied with where he is at. He pushes the learning envelope as far as it will stretch.

• Probably the trait that attracted me to David the most was his childlike faith and complete devotion to God. After all these years (14 to be exact) it is still my favorite.

• He loves me . . . even when I’m not very lovable. He lives his life in a way that makes me want to be like him. There are so many things about him I admire. His love language is “Gifts of Service”—which is kind of nice (translates into washing dishes, running to the store when we’re out of milk, feeding the baby at 4:00am . . . I suppose the list is endless.

So here’s to you, Babe. Happy Birthday. I’m so blessed to have you in my life—you truly are a gift.

And Happy Father’s Day. You’re the best dad I could have ever asked for to Ashley, Jonathan, Cole and Nicholas!


Jen said...

That's too bad he was gone but what an awesome time for him. Fishing on his birthday and father's day with his dad and brothers! You are a wonderful woman for letting him do that!!!

Lisa H said...

Very nice tribute to your wonderful husband! I can't wait to hear how the trip is going! :)

Heidi Jo Comes said...

what a great tribute beth...isn't God awesome to give us exactly what we need (and more)?

Anonymous said...

Please let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your husband, or "Mr. Hasz" as I will always refer to him. He truly has been a father figure to so many of us and I've always known it must take one amazing woman to share him and all of his wonderful qualities that you have so accurately portrayed.

Shanygne said...

Dave IS wonderful... he is one of those people that you feel like a better person just for having known him...

and like attracts like, I believe... you are no slouch, my friend!! You are a treasure as well!

Anonymous said...

Amen to Shanygne's comment! I have only met David a couple of times for very brief visits. I can testify that he left his mark on my child for the rest of her life. She speaks of him on a regular basis and only in highest regard! She knows first hand of the love he has for his wife and his children.
You are a blessed family because the Lord brought the two of you together.

Just Mom said...

He sounds absolutely wonderful. A belated Happy Birthday (and Father's Day) to your hubby.

BTW...I'd stay home rather than go in to isolation for a fishing trip, too. :-)

Marci D. said...

Just wanted to drop a "Hello" back to you from Michelle's blog. I read your blog frequently, it is fun to learn of the kids and your life. Tell Dave I said hello too.

Anonymous said...

What a great trip for Dave and his dad and brother's! They'll come back with lots of stories (and stink) I'm sure. Your words about him were very sweet and filled with love. Matt and I are getting ready to celebrate 14 years as well--time does go by so fast!

Stolmit said...

Man, this guy you're talking about sounds like a great catch! Seriously, many of the points you made about Dave I cannot argue. I've always said, "Dave Hasz and I don't have anything in common. We are complete opposites and see everything differently. But Dave is one of the people I respect and like most."

You're not my Dad, not my husband, not a co-worker anymore, shoot... it's been so long, may not even be a friend - but HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DAVID HASZ.