Thursday, June 15, 2006

Extravagant Daddy

David and the kids
Originally uploaded by Beth.
Yesterday we were standing in the check out line at Wal-mart when Ashley asked what we were going to do for the rest of the day. David answered with, “I’m going to the movies.”

Three little heads snapped to attention. “What movie, Dad?”

In a slow, nonchalant way David replied, “I thought I’d go see . . . CARS.”

Three kids burst into happy squeals and smiles. David then added, “I didn’t say I was taking anybody with me.” They of course knew better than to believe him on that one. “Yeah, right!” was the triplicate, in unison response.

As we walked out of Wal-mart David received three different smiles of approval from nearby mothers who had overheard the exchange. David tends to do everything with a touch of extravagance.

I love it that David does spontaneous things like that for his kids. I love it even more that he doesn’t make me come along on such excursions.


Shanygne said...

Dads are so great at that...

I agree...I know that I will let Emily go on her own trip...full deal, but man! it's hard to think about .... It's kinda nice getting to let her go a little at a time... just going on ministry, not staying on campus, etc...

Thanks for the compliment...I know there are many very capable PD's...

Anonymous said...

I am sure that this will go straight to his head, but why must he 1) be good at MOST not ALL things ;) and why is he always right...the only person that is more right than him is you!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect set up...David gets to see a movie (albeit a cartoon), the kids get a special treat with Dad and you get quiet time to yourself. Or did you spend your time feeding all the animals now taking over your house?

Anonymous said...

OOPS! I messed up and accidentally posted the below comment on your June 10 blog. Good thing you can copy and paste...:)

I'm a little behind on the name game here, but I thought I would leave a suggestion anyway! I think the name Josiah is means "God has healed". I like Josiah Kennedy (even though it sounds "presidential") or you could tack on a family name...maybe Josiah David. Anyway, thank you for sharing about your life! I love to read your stories!! :)

P.S. I was an intern Aug. 01/02...and worked with Christina Lowery and Lacy Usry (Chambers).

Michelle said...

What a great story. I'm sure he's like a superhero in their eyes.

Anonymous said...

What a great dad...I'm always using examples about you and Dave when I'm telling Jeremy something I'd like us to do in the future:)

Anonymous said...

but then there would be such a formal atmosphere...remember, one of the guys coming over is my brain crush...the guy with 5 degrees :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to leave a comment on my thoughts on Mr Hasz, but it would take a book. Your children will rise up and call both of you blessed!!!!! I am so thankful that Dave filled in as a part time dad in the office for my daughter when she really needed one last year through many tears. To both of you..thank you, thank you, thank you!