Friday, May 26, 2006

Backseat Driver

Cole behind the wheel
Originally uploaded by Beth.
Cole loves “driving.” The other day he climbed in his blue car and asked, “Can I drive to town, Mom?” "Town" is a mere nine miles from our house.

Lately he has not only taken up “driving” in the driveway, but he has become a backseat driver in our mini-van as well. Sometimes he yells out from his carseat, “Go fast, Mom!” At other times it is, “Peel out!” or “Go like a roller coaster!” Yesterday he came up with, “Mom, crash that car!” He was referring to the rather dilapidated pick-up truck in front of us driving 40 instead of the posted speed of 65.

Since he obviously couldn’t read the sticker in the back window which screamed, “Back off, B____!" or understand the bitter and hate-filled meaning behind the large Confederate flag draped over the tailgate, I assume he simply felt my rapid decline in speed as I approached the back of the vehicle. (Did I mention we live in Texas?)

I glanced back at him and said,”Cole, Mommy doesn’t crash into cars.” To which he replied, “But it’s fun, Mom!”

Oh the many moments that remind us we have much to be thankful for. Today I am quite grateful I have 13 years before my little need for speed driver wannabe can get behind the wheel of anything bigger than his little blue car.


Michelle said...

He must take after his father in his need for speed. Bo still brings up how "awesome" it was when David drove the rental car at lightning speed on the way to the Grand Canyon :-)

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! My husband thinks like Cole, only he should know better! :) It must be a guy thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh the little cozy coop! Be thankful it will be awhile before he's really driving. One precious daughter of mine, she shall remain nameless, backed out of our driveway and took out the garbage cans. When asked if she did any damage to her car she just smiled that big smile and said, "oh, I don't think so". That was one tail light later, haha. Thankfully Texas has been kind to her :) We are glad she's only driven "your" car and a few others.

Shanygne said...

Ah, mom! You're no fun!