Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Cole, Ashley and Jonathan
Originally uploaded by Beth.
A few random phases overheard at our dinner table last night—I’ve rated them for your reading convenience.

Cole: (age 3) “I’m not going to college.”*

Jonathan: (age 7) I decided I don’t want to be a doctor anymore . . . I want to be a salesman.”**

Ashley: (age 11) I’m going to get a tattoo.”***

*Very bad moment
**Very, very bad moment
***Very, very, really bad moment


Anonymous said...

I think someone's household has been playing one too many rounds of the game of LIFE...

Michelle said...

random phrases?? sounds like my conversation needed... my brother and I would just randomly say things we knew my mom would freak out about just for kicks haha.

Once at the dinner table I told my mom that I wanted to marry a biker, get tatoos and wear black lip stick when I turned 18...I think I was like 9 at the time. I just loved the reaction.

Your kids are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I would have loved to see David's face when he heard Ashley wanted a tatoo!!! I used to push his buttons at HA and tell him that I had one. (I don't. - but during some mid-life crisis times, the thought actually crossed my mind.) I still entertain the thought from time to time, then I think of how it would look when I'm 80 with all that saggy skin around it. Not so hot.

Anonymous said...

LOL... your kids are amazing! I love it... I love them. No worries about the randomness... tonight the conversations may be totally different :-)

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago at our house.
Jenna: I want to be a donut maker and dentist.
Jenna today: In November I turn eighteen and I'm piercing my nose.

Dave and Ginger ten year ago: How adorable :)
Dave and Ginger today: NO WAY!

Enjoy today Beth, enjoy. Time passes so quickly :)

michelle said...

Better hit the prayer closet. :-)

What if the tatoo said something like WWJD; it could be a witnessing tool?

BTW, I hope you know I am totally kidding!

Lisa H said...

That's pretty cute, Beth! Is Jonathan going for door-to-door, or maybe telemarketing? :)

Shanygne said...

If i didn't have kids of my own, I might think you were making this stuff up!! SOOO funny!

Karenkool said...

My boys are always telling me they're gonna get a tatoo. I just tell them they have to wait until they're 18 and they can be thinking now about what that imprint would be--the one that they will wear for the REST OF THEIR LIFE! Then I remind them what it should probably say, "I LOVE MOM! SHE TOTALLY ROCKS!" hahaha

BTW I got my nose pierced a few years ago. Why? I don't really know. I just always thought it was pretty... ever since my first mission trip to India, where all the females have their noses pierced. Beware of those mission trips! Tatoos, piercings, neck stretching, foot binding...

Unknown said...

Oh Beth! I love it...Your dinner-time must be such fun!

Anonymous said...

Just remember that it could be much worse!
I got a tattoo when I was 19 (small, Christian, and easily covered) and it (thankfully) kept me from marrying a guy that I thought was God's best for me! His dad wouldn't bless our relationship because I had a tattoo (which he didn't even know about for a year), so we eventually broke up because of that and now I'm married to the man of my dreams! I can see now that God used that possibly stupid decision when I was 19 to save me from a less-than-ideal marriage. I am SO thankful (and so is my husband!)

Anonymous said...

LAUGHING OUT LOUD!! Your kids would probably make very good salespersons, actually. I'm hoping to call you today.