Monday, July 03, 2006

Ya Just Gotta Love Texas!

Ashley, Cole and Jonathan
Originally uploaded by Beth.
If you drive your flatbed truck to church on Sunday . . . you might be a redneck! Okay, it wasn’t us—it was the guy we were following.

My in-laws invited us to a special patriotic church service yesterday, followed by a potluck picnic. I must say, I’ve never seen so many red, white, and blue cowboy hats, big belt buckles, and boots in one place, at one time. The service was a nice way to celebrate our love of God, our love of this country, and our love of Texas!

When the special music began, David gave me the raised eyebrows look and mouthed, “Bruce Springstein”? Sure enough . . . the music blared, “BORN in the USA”! Except for one small addition . . . the words were changed slightly to, “BORN AGAIN in the USA”! (Honestly, I do not make these things up.)

Ya just gotta love Texas!


Anonymous said...

That would make a great picture for the New York Times, at the expense of sounding like a liberal, I will say that though the New York Times does have Freedom of the Press!

Michelle said...

That is AWESOME! You can't get more patriotic than that!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Beth, sounds like a made for tv movie to me. I think I'll stick with Michael and Lisa for now. Glad y'all (?) had a fuuun day :) My married kids spent their afternoon selling fireworks to raise money for their youth group, what's that all about? Fireworks are not legal in Michigan. Texan's are a breed apart! Happy 4th to the Hasz family from Michigan!

Anonymous said...

Beth! I can't believe you are saying such things! Our country is a democracy with freedom! You can't go prosecuting journalists!

Anonymous said...

I can hear David groaning in the background as he reads this over your shoulder!

Shanygne said...

okay, that's a good one...

Michelle said...

Do we need to schedule an intervention with Kelly? Where is she?????

Anonymous said...

What? I don't need an intervention!
When I read your story and none of it surprised me or even illicited a response out of me, I knew I have been in Texas too long.

Anonymous said...

I will go easy on you...FNC is partially correct, you can get prosecuted under the Espionage Act, but the gray area, as in all areas of the law, life, relationships, etc, is does section 798 of title 18 apply to regular civilians and the press??? That is what the big stinking debate is about and why nothing is happening yet...if the New York Times were to get prosecuted there would be ramifications that would be like the rippling of the waves as Kelly let go of the rope in weariness...

Stolmit said...

How to respond to today's blog, how to do it? Well, Beth... imagine the expression on my face as I read your entry. There, that sould be enough. I can tell you without a hint of doubt I no longer belong in or near or around or above the state of Texas. I DO LOVE NEW YORK!!!

Karenkool said...

Well I love NY too, but i can't say that I felt much patriotism during the 4th of July celebrations. The closest we got to patriotism was the American flag birthday cake that Kim made for her husband and mine on the 3rd. We even missed the fireworks displays. ALL OF THEM! (except for the finale of one display as we sped into town around 9:40 and pulled over in a screech to catch the tail end).

Isn't that sad? How I long to hear Phil Driscols Patriotic Songs CD and go to church on the back of a flatbed truck wearing a red white and blue cowboy hat and singing "Born Again in the USA" (for a moment anyway).

Hi--I'm Karen. My husband and I went to ORU and know Dave from the RA program and missions... Just sayin hello.

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