Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Questions of Life

David and the kids
Originally uploaded by Beth.
There are questions in life difficult to answer. My Philosophy minor in college didn't prepare me to answer the really hard ones I'm facing today . . . like--"Why is there a brand new loaf of bread spilling half its contents in the middle of my kitchen floor?" or "Why is there a small pair of Blue's Clues undies in the living room, another in the playroom, and a third on the stairs?"

I suppose the only sane way to deal with these daily difficulties is to laugh. Did I mention it is not easy to laugh when you're six months pregnant but feel as though you're nine? I know, I'm in for a looong three months.

There was a time when I really enjoyed grappling with probing and thought-provoking issues. That was "one way too busy husband and three and a half kids" ago. Today I just try to keep up with my multi-tasking better half, lively 10 year old, contemplative 7 year old, animated 3 year old, and the little guy growing really big inside of me.

My friend Michelle inspired me to start a blog. What better way to document our lives for the sake of posterity, stay connected with family and friends far away, and take time to reflect on the many blessings hiding inside busy, busy lives.


Michelle said...

Love it Beth! Can't wait to keep up with Hasz Blahs!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Beth! I just learned what a blog was about 3 weeks ago and couldn't even begin to imagine how to set this thing up! I look forward to more blogs with Beth!