Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Name Dilemma

Jonathan and Cole
Originally uploaded by Beth.
We have found ourselves in a bit of a spot in the Hasz household. We’re about two months out on our newest addition and we can’t come to a consensus on a name. I like “Cody.” It’s kind of like a dot on the end of a sentence. It goes nicely with Cole. I can picture it in cute wooden letters on the wall of his nursery. David says he once knew a dog named "Cody" . . . kind of takes it out of the running.

David, on the other hand, likes “Jude.” Okay, stop singing! I'm sure you're with me—a Beatles song just isn't going to work.

Ashley likes “Austin”, Jonathan prefers “Isaiah”, and Cole came up with “Ducky.” We're keeping a running list of possibilities. The first two are on it . . . I think "Ducky" might work better as a theme for the bedding.

We are quite open to any suggestions you might have to offer. If a visual helps, we think there’s a pretty good chance he will look a lot like his two brothers: Red hair, big grin, a smattering of freckles . . . the spittin’ image of Opie—remember, cute kid from the Andy Griffith Show?

So, this is your chance. Click on “Comments” and make your suggestions. You can go ahead and rule out all of the weird sounding Bible names like “Jehoshaphat” and “Abimelech.” I kind of like names that will go the distance into the next eighty years or so—think contemporary, normal, yet uniquely fitting. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to name our child.


Michelle said...

I thought I heard Grey Wellington was one of the otpions? That sounds so distinguished. Bo's middle name is Ellington- been in our family for generations. Cody is very cute too though. Decisions! Decisions!

Anonymous said...

I think Daniel or Grey is excellent - go for Grey!

Anonymous said...

What about Taylor? One of my favorites. OR Caleb and Micah....just some thoughts:)

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are praying about what God wants him to my advice is find out what you think he is going to become and find names that fit his calling. That will narrow it down a bit and then you can choose one that sounds good.

Michelle said...

On second thought, you live in Texas, so you need to totally embrace your culture there. How about Bubba or Brick or Junior? :-)

Anonymous said...

My mother was into the unusal. My oldest brother is Alden, my second is Arden. My father named my third brother Terry because my mom had Elmer picked out. Trust me, from someone named "Ginger", I've heard it all. No, I do not know Gillian or MaryAnne or the professor. Just remember, this child will live with this name the rest of his life:) Yes, Wellington is part of a food dish, haha. Happy decision making. Love Gingerbread :)
PS Everyone on earth has had a dog named "Ginger"

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a strong, distinguished name, I have a couple of suggestions:

1) Awesome Dude-It's bold, but it posseses an underlying sense of humility that will set him up for a lifetime of success.

2) Obafemi-It's exotic, it's exciting...and it's soon to be one of the most popular names in the country. You could be on the cutting edge.

3) Uber-It's a german word meaning "over", which will remind your son that Christ has overcome the world. Also, I think "Uber Hasz" has a nice ring to it.

4) Anselm-Means "God's Helmet". Saint Anselm was Archbishop of Canterbury during William the Conqueror's reign, and a considerable influence on medieval Christian thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ashley, I like Austin. Is David Jr. out, because DJ is a cute nickname? Jacob is cute, you could call him Jake. Or Nathan and call him Nate. Preston or Emerson are good, solid names. Some "C" names: Connor, Carter, Christian.

Well, I guess that just adds more to choose from :) Keep us posted on what you decide.

Anonymous said...

what about Liam?

Anonymous said...

Aaron - means 'high mountain'
Daniel - means 'God is my judge'
Ethan - means 'solid, enduring' - I like Ethan a lot!
Gilead - means 'monument of testimony'

Those are some of my suggestions...

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...
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Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

WOW...To the Anonymous that gave the 4 name suggestions including "Uber"...NO. Speaking as a parent myself I can tell you that as a parent you have to think of a name that will keep your child from getting pummelled and being the butt of jokes his entire life.


I like David Jr. I would venture to guess that Mr. Hasz would find a certian amount of pride in having a jr.

Jeremy Brancheau

Anonymous said...

What about Elliot, Adan, Finian, or Kai? You'll have to keep us all posted on what the decision is!

Anonymous said...

I think Gage is a cool name. Elijah is another good one.

Anonymous said...

What about the name "Jack" or "Bauer"? It seems to be making headwaves... lol