Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bits of My Weekend-Volume 7

Our weekend started off with my three boys wanting to make Ashley breakfast in bed for her birthday—so sweet. Totally their idea with no coaching or help from me. You might notice Nicholas was more or less supervising . . . when he wasn't distracted with his gameboy.

On Saturday Ashley got a manicure (french zebra) followed by dinner with lots of relatives at The Olive Garden—her favorite restaurant.

She's now loaded up with lots of moola (we have LOTS of relatives), a really fun camera, and excessive amounts of girl accessories necessities.

Can’t leave out this sweet picture of Ashley with my new niece Lily Faith . . . oh my goodness she’s the cutest thing!

Finished up the evening with a few more gifts at home—these were suppose to be for the next party . . . but who can win an argument with a 15 year old?! Besides, if I had won the argument, I wouldn't have realized how much my bookshelves could use some serious help from Heidi and Leah!

On Sunday we had the afore mentioned party at Teen Mania’s pool with some of Ashley's friends from school and youth group (1st year we invited boys—yikes!)

And here's the "Okay, let me appease my dad with the camera" shot.

This was followed by a slumber party for the girls.

Note to self: If you have a slumber party for your teenage daughter, you will not get any sleep. Your husband will not get any sleep. AND, you'll have lots of grumpy teenagers at your breakfast table. But they ate heartily nonetheless and it was a great time had by all.

Happy extended birthday, Ashley. I think we can officially say it’s over now . . . at least until next year!

The inspiration for "Bits of My Weekend" is my good friend Michelle . . . she could use an encouraging word today if you have time to stop by.


Sohailah said...

Excellent weekend - I LOVE that your boys made her breakfast - so sweet!

Just Mom said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Ashley!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

she is so beautiful!

Evita Gahagan said...

What a great 15th birthday weekend for Ashley - such sweet brothers too! (Pool party was an AWESOME idea!)

Anonymous said...

What a great update! Can't say it enough, she's gorgeous!

Hmmmm, hope Ashley knows how blessed she is with her brothers. I think my three brothers would have served cereal with sour milk to me! LOL

Impact Africa said...

So fun..So Sweet!

Jen said...

Looks like she had a great time! I always love having parties for the kids......it won't be long and they will be gone so I may as well take advantage of it now!!!