We've been catching up on each others' lives, reminiscing on old times, leaving all the kids with Rod, eating great food, getting manicures, pedicures, massages and even make-overs at the Bobbi Brown counter. Serious celebrating is due when 40 rolls around.
But all things must come to an end and it's rather sad we have to leave tomorrow. I am having major withdraws from David, Ashley, Jonathan and Cole . . . so I'm also looking forward to heading back to Texas. Besides, Michelle needs to pack for her upcoming trip to . . . ?
Happy Birthday Michelle! 40 sure looks great on you.
That is so awesome that you guys went to be with her and helped celebrate...what good friends!
She does look great!
hears hoping the next ten years are as kind to me!
what a great thing...for all of you! i'm sure that it made her day enormously special!
That's great you were able to go celebrate. We hardly ever get to see them and I do miss talking to her. How fun!!! Hey, I turn 30 in December, what are you doing for New Year's?!
How wonderful for the three of you!
I must have missed the phone call where you were calling to ask me to come help David care for your kids. So sorry, I would have been there in a heart beat! :)
So, where are the makeover photos? No pictures of your feet? Michelle stops for nothing..I thought sure I was going to get to see your feet and Kelly's feet. Aw man!
yeah i'm the moron who wrote..."hears hoping"...i'm a dork.
"...leaving all the kids with Rod..."
This made me laugh out loud.
Sounds like a wonderful time. You planning on visiting SD when I turn 40 (which will be sooner than I care to admit).
How fun!! Good for you guys. I'd love to see a picture of your makeover : )
Beth, thank you so much for your comment on my site. I truly means so much to me to know that you are praying, I really appreciate it.
I will try to keep my blog updated.
P.S. I hope you guys had fun in CO!
I think you deserve an award, come over to my blog and check it out!
That's awesome. Loved the poster!
Fun! Fun! Fun!
I nominated you for an award on my blog. Check it out!!!!
Sounds like you ladies had a ball. I'm so glad that you and Kelly made the trip. What a great time! Good for you!
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