I am trying hard to focus on the right things . . . like how this trip can make a huge impact on how she views the world and her place in it, help her understand how immensely blessed she is and be challenged to make God her first priority for the rest of her life. Or the fact there are orphans and other little kids in Romania who will be forever changed as they get the opportunity to go to Vacation Bible School for the first time in their lives.
I can’t say it is necessarily easy to focus on the right things . . . I’m simply saying that is what I’m trying to do. So if you say a prayer for this team as they head out on Thursday, maybe you could say a prayer for me as well.
oh my! Ashley is 11!! Wow! I have to say after years and years of doing TM trips, things sure do take on a different perspective after having your own children. Do you ever find yourself thinking back going, "I can't believe we ever __________ (fill in the blank)"
Thank God for Grace! :)
I will definitely be praying for Ashley and for you. What an amazing experience for her. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to send her off. I will be holding you up in prayer and praying for her safety along the way. I can't wait to hear all about her trip. Our church has been supporting some missionaries in Romania and we have been praying for the children who are living in extreme conditions. I'm sure Ashley will come home a changed person.
That sounds like a wonderful experience for Ashley. I will pray for Ashley and her team's safe journeys. Can't wait to hear how her experience changes her.
I got a hug from her today as she was playing in the country mixer... she was ALL SMILES!!!!
That will be so great for her! I just spent a couple weeks with my nieces, 11 and 13 and have been wishing they were going with TM this summer. I'll be thinking of you when I think of Ashley.
She looks like such a sweety! Truly! I saw a nice little news clip about TM tonight on CBS.
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. So exciting but I am sure hard for a mother...I know our day will one day come as well. I will be praying for you and the team!
We have had a blast with the TM teams here this summer!
We'll definitely be praying for Ashley and the entire team. What a great opportunity for her! I am so glad that she gets to experience this at such a young age--and with her daddy too! What an incredible time she will have!
Oh my! I will be praying that the team has safe travels and also for a wonderful momma's heart and emotions! This has to be hard to let go and let her travel half way around the world! She will truly be a changed little girl and be blessed that she has parents willing to let her travel on this life changing journey! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!
how truly blessed that she WANTS to go. I can think of so many who have been praying for years that their child(ren) would want to be open to spriritual things... not of course, that that makes things any easier. :)
She looks so grown up in this picture. Wow, I still remember her as the little girl I would babysit who would cry until her parents got home. Wow, she's really growing up.
You know this mother will be praying. I know first hand what it is like to let your little girl go. I can still hear those words, "Mom and Dad, I think I'm being called to China with TM." That was the beginning...
I will lift up Ashley and David. You already know I'm praying for you :)
Will be praying..What an opportunity..I hope you are all blesed by this trip!
Yikes! Ashley is going to Romania???? I remember when Dave used to tell stories about her in Leadership Lab. My fave was one day I guess his bumper had fallen off and was laying in the yard? And Ashley called him at work (I guess you were letting her do that once a day?) and said, "Dad part of your car is laying in the driveway." And he was like "Yeah I know." And she said, "Well just drive over here and I'll put it back on for you."
He used it to illustrate something about confidence and leadership - soooo funny!
I cannot believe it. So crazy! Who are the leaders? Are any of her friends going? So excited for her!!
oh beth! how exciting and heart breaking all at once. the blessing of being a christian is that we know that we aren't sending them out to the wolves. we've prepared them to be warriors to be able to spot the wolves from afar and to manueve around them as they act as shepherd's bringing in the lost sheep to Christs' fold.
i can see the pride in your face as you send her off...
Ashley did great! Thanks for loaning your family to the kids of Romania. Ashley's team alone lead 44 kids to Jesus!
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